By boobiemonster in Home on 26 February 2013 à 08:34
Coming out of the closet has a different meaning for me. Since I am a fashion designer let me see if I can candidly come up with a metaphor. It's like the saying goes "the hanger didn't do the dress justice." I'm like the girl with the amazing dress in the closet and I don't wear it because I love my jeans and heels.
But I love to look at the girls in the hot sexy dresses. Is there such thing as a feminine-butch? I love to dress up, wear make-up, and do my hair. I love my hair long. I tried the short hair and loved it but it just don't go with my new feel. I'd rather wear Jeans and heels out to a nite-club rather than a tiny sexy dress. Weather has alot to do with it, either way I love my Jeans, black tank-top, and heels or cowboy boots. Love my boots!
I would love to have a relationship with a girl where I can be myself 100%, and meet an Angel who will love me to the stars and beyond. I know now that I am not interested in men unless they are giving up money, gifts, trips, and anything my heart desires. But I notice that I always get sick and disgusted by them. That is so strange. I become this man eater. lol.
I am hoping by writing this blog other girls who are confused as me because we are programmed, brainwashed, and scared into only believing God only wants a Adam with Eve, will contact me and we can go through this experience together. I am not afraid anymore. It's time to put on the Red Dress and say I am Gay!
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